Works of reference.

Wovans Presents (image below) by Steven Greenwood consists of a sewing machine connected to the internet sews text onto black ribbon which circumferences a room. The word "war" is sought out by a computer from various internet news provider's information. Paragraphs containing the word "war" are then read by the computer which controls the sewing machine which then sews the text. A motor pulls the ribbon around the room until it ends in a heap.

Wovan Presents

Self Portrait of Paul DeMarinis (image below) by Jim Campbell is an installation which consists of two parts: a transmitter and a receiver. The transmit side on the left consists of a low resolution image store in computer memory feeding an audio speaker. The receive side on the right consists of an audio microphone and a low resolution display device. The image is encoded into tones with a high tone representing white and a low tone representing black. As these tones are emitted from the speaker they are picked up by the microphone, decoded into a gray level, and displayed as the next pixel on the screen.

Self Portrait of Paul DeMarinis