

Above: Trav?erse at Open Ear – Network, Canterbury Christ Church University, Broadstairs Campus, England on the 20/11/07.

Above: Trav?erse at Open Ear Cardiff, ATRiuM, Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries, Wales on the 13/06/08.

Exploring radio waves on a world band analogue radio, the performance should be perceived as both a linear and non-linear journey progressively moving through the sonic space of broadcast wireless networks and the physical geographies and cultural spaces they both represent and permeate.

The performance traverses and returns across a radio band, a technological interface, along linear trajectories. Sounds with no correlation between their representation on this band and their ‘actual’ location will be captured, layered, reworked, transformed within new media to create a cultural and social sonic d?rive where all spaces exist simultaneously.

Traverse performance at Furtherfield Gallery

Above: Trav?erse performance at REFF- Remix the World! Reinvent Reality! Furtherfield Gallery. Photographs courtesy of Pau Ros and Furtherfield Gallery. Click image to view more.

Trav?erse has been performed three time at REFF- Remix the World! Reinvent Reality! Furtherfield Gallery 25/02/11 – 26/03/11, Open Ear Cardiff, ATRiuM, Cardiff School of Creative & Cultural Industries, Wales on the 13/06/08 and Open Ear – Network, Canterbury Christ Church University, Broadstairs Campus, England on the 20/11/07.


Above: The RE:corder interface

Trav?erse was performed using the RE:corder application designed and created by the artist in Max/MSP. For related work employing RE:corder see RE:soundings and RE:soundings (interference variant).

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