


Above: Neumorphic. Click to view more images.

Neumorphic is an ongoing network(as-site)-specific series of compositional code studies that takes its cues from skeuomorphism in graphical user interface (GUI) design. Skeuomorphism mimics physicality, or realness, in GUI design and has become a visual language of ?virtual? (online and digital) spaces that employs ?trompe l’oeil?, another more traditional and historical form of virtuality. Each study of Neumorphic employs this reality-mimicking digital visual language and is composed of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, themselves network native ?languages?. The studies all maintain a restricted colour pallet derived from skeuomorphism, occasionally employ animation, and are explorations of the intersection of ?real? and ?virtual? visuality. They are collected together in the form of a sprawling infinite-scroll weblog, which is organised according to how the weblog is loaded, the browser window size and occasional user interaction.

Except where noted, works on are copyright Garrett Lynch IRL 2025 and licensed as CC BY-SA 3.0. is powered by WordPress