
There, Now: Video by Mab MacMoragh

Mab MacMoragh (Soup and Lovers Lane Studios) just posted a good video of my now closed installation There, Now on Vimeo. The video is here:

There, Now: last week

It’s the last week of my installation in Second Life, There, Now, which is showing at Push so hurry along before it closes on Thursday 30th of September:

Documentation of the work is online here:

I’m Garrett Lynch (IRL) @ Global Container XII

I’m Garrett Lynch (IRL) will be screened at Global Container XII on Thursday, 26/08/10 at the Culture Factory Polymer, ?lase 16/Madara 22, Tallinn, Estonia.

The event promises to be an interesting one with a cross section of performance art + sound + dance + cinema + fine arts + meeting place.

There, Now @ Push

There, Now, a mixed reality installation about space/place by Garrett Lynch opens tomorrow the 11th of August at 1pm SLT (9pm GMT) and runs until mid-September at Push in Second Life. To attend, point your browser to

Click on the link to launch the Second Life viewer and you will arrive at the installation.

I’m Garrett Lynch (IRL) @ 2010 Odyssey Performance Art Festival

Over the next month I’ll be involved in quite a few things Second Life related. The first of these is happening next Wednesday (04/08/10) at 9:30pm GMT (1:30pm Second Life Time) as part of the 2010 Odyssey Performance Art Festival running from today (31/07/10) until the 10/08/10.

The performance will take place at Odyssey Art and Performance Simu. Documentation of previous performances are online here.

For full details of the schedule for the complete festival, see the Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance weblog.

XII International Festival for New Media Culture Art+Communication 2010

I’m going to be attending the XII International Festival for New Media Culture Art+Communication 2010, titled TRANSBIOTICS Temporal Stability Points, in Riga, Latvia from the 16th to the 22nd of June to attend the SymbioticA workshop, Biotechnologies and Art. The festival:

“presents public events programme: Biotechnology Art Exhibition, lectures, artists’ presentations, performances, Biotech Art Workshop, conference streams ‘Networks and Sustainability’ and ‘Art as Research’.”

If your in Riga, drop me an email / say hi. A full program of whats on is here.

On Exactitude of Similitude at Liminality: The Space Between Worlds

On Exactitude of Similitude, a new Second Life performance, is currently been exhibited at Liminality: The Space Between Worlds on I Am Columbia Island (SL) until the 1st of May.

Between Saying and Doing at Liminality: The Space Between Worlds

Between Saying and Doing will be exhibited at Liminality: The Space Between Worlds opening at Antena in Chicago (RL) and at I Am Columbia Island (SL) this Friday (16/03/10) 6pm-10pm, Chicago time (that’s midnight to 4am GMT). The curatorial statement reads as follows:

“Liminality describes the nature of being ‘in-between’; neither here nor there – or perhaps here and there. This exhibition explores the nature of liminality though examining work from the virtual world, Second Life, and its dialogues with issues of physicality via an exhibition at Antena Gallery, Chicago and on I Am Columbia Island in Second Life. The show will include objects, mixed reality performance, video, print and virtual installation in either physical, virtual or mixed-reality forms. What is the nature of art when it emerges in virtual worlds, and what happens when it attempts to emerge into physicality, and vice versa? What is the nature of presence in virtual art? How does it make us feel? This is the aim of this exhibition.”

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