
Dialogues: A Fake Romance?

A documentation video of Video Network #1: Dialogues will be showing at Dialogues: A Fake Romance? from the 19th to 27th of February at Elysium Artspace, Swansea in Wales.

“For a dialogue to form, the process requires another. When another is presented the dialogue becomes a dichotomy. Do we adopt another persona according to who we are talking to and how genuine is that chat? According to David Bohm, no one wins a dialogue; a dialogue is an exploratory process and does not work towards a goal. However, Mikhail Bakhtin held that relationships and connections exist among all living beings, and that dialogue creates a new understanding of a situation that demands change. Dialogue can be seen as an exchange but this exchange is not always equal or amicable, it can manifest into an emotional charge, disagreements, it may lead to conflicts, irrationality, fake romances, or jealous contingencies. Does dialogue hinder us or further us?”

Subtle Technologies Festival – Networks

I will be presenting my networked art and research at the 12th Annual Subtle Technologies Festival on the theme of Networks in Toronto, Canada June 11th to June 14th. If your in the area do come along (full details / programme will be on the site soon) as it promises to be an interesting event however I also hope to be creating a new work while at the festival so please do come and ask me about it.

I would love to meet up with artists who work with new media while I’m there and I’m hoping to get in contact with a local curator or artists organisation to set up a performance during my extended stay. If you have any contacts in Toronto please do drop me an email

Between Saying and Doing at “@”?, Ars Virtua

Between Saying and Doing will be exhibited at “@”, Ars Virtua locations in RL (Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles, CA) and SL (Seventh Eye) between the 26/02/09 and the 28/02/09. The following is taken from the exhibition statement:

“@” is an exhibition that examines space and site. With simultaneous locations in Los Angeles and Second Life (SL), “@” challenges artists to consider place & placelessness from within the context of networked culture. The physical gallery space will be replicated within SL, featuring an actual window between the virtual and real worlds to observe and be observed. The exhibition space will feature a floor-to-ceiling projection and a streaming video camera. This wall will serve as the interface between the Real Life (RL) in the gallery and its replication in Second Life. The intent for “@” is to exploit the philosophically rich mirroring between RL and SL, as well as the paradoxical condition of being the observer and observed.”

The reception for the event is Thursday the 26th 9:30PM PST (Friday 5:30AM GMT). To attend in Second Life click here.

Between Saying and Doing at Globalscreen – Simulations

Between Saying and Doing will be exhibited as part of Globalscreen – Simulations at numerous locations from February 2009 until 2010. The following is from the projects statement:

“Simulations, is an artistic examination of questions of perception and of the Zeitgeist in an era of inundation by pictures and by simulations of reality. These increasingly influence human society, the sciences and the world economy. Perceptions are shifting, in all spheres of life. The artists in this project have been invited to develop a specific perspective in reflecting individually these technological and cultural processes, be it in a political, aesthetic or philosophical approach. The genres extend from experiment to the interactive and animation and to work in documentary mode.”

Between Saying and Doing at Devenir-?cran (Becoming Screen)

New work, Between Saying and Doing a video documenting a performance in Second Life, will be shown at the Devenir-?cran (Becoming Screen) exhibition from the 13th December to the 27th December 2008, Le Vigan (30120), France.

This event is organised by oudeis, association for the development of current artistic expression. Please see the website here for full info. For those who can not make it to the exhibition stay tuned this work will be online later in December.

New work at Videophile Festival

I have some new work, Between Saying and Doing a video documenting a performance in Second Life, which will be premiered at the Videophile moving image and performance for camera festival curated by Victoria Melody. This event is part of the Open Phoenix in Brighton on Saturday 11th – Sunday 12th October 2008. If your in the area pop in.

Grimace at Digital Fringe

Grimace is currently being shown at the Australian Digital Fringe Festival (video performance online here) which runs until October 12th 2008.

New site

Well finally a new site to show off all my work online and some work which has never even made it online. The site has a few small quirks at the moment which I’ll fix soon but pretty much everything works at the moment. Network Research has also had a similar re-design to make the two sites more cohesive. Keep checking back for more work as there is still quite a bit to be uploaded.

Except where noted, works on are copyright Garrett Lynch IRL 2025 and licensed as CC BY-SA 3.0. is powered by WordPress