
Best of Luck with the Wall (variant) @ Invisible Geographies

Best of Luck with the Wall (variant)

The Invisible Geographies exhibition curated by Dale Hudson & Claudia Pederson is now live featuring Best of Luck with the Wall (variant) by Fr?d?rique Santune and myself.

Peripheral Forms Indiegogo campaign

Peripheral Forms Indiegogo campaign

I’ll be working with Peripheral Forms in 2018 and they have just launched an Indiegogo campaign to raise funds for a number of initiatives throughout the year. If you can support them please do – if you can’t, share this and tell all your friends!!!

Yami-ichi at Tate St.Ives

Yami-Ichi, Tate St. Ives

Next Saturday the 09/12/2017 I will be exhibiting (and selling) items from Transformations: Actions to Matter / Matter to Actions at the Yami-Ichi, Tate St. Ives organised by Vandal. Come along, say hi and buy, buy, buy!

Post black friday shop

Post black friday I’ve opened a shop on my website selling one-offs & multiples. At the moment it’s not selling anything that’s not available elsewhere but soon may be used as part of works in progress – it’s an experiment in progress!

The Unauthorized SFMOMA Show catalogue

The Unauthorized SFMOMA Show catalogue

The Unauthorized SFMOMA Show catalogue – another catalogue of an exhibition I took part in last year has been published. Download it here.

“Unauthorized SFMOMA Show was a series of solo shows that took place from April 6th – July 2nd, which could only be seen and experienced if the viewer was physically present at SFMOMA’s public spaces, specifcally the areas where visitors did not have to pay the $25 admission fee: the entrance and the lobby of the museum.”

Investigations on the Cultural Economy of Media Art

Investigations on the Cultural Economy of Media Art

There’s is a little bit about one of my works (Auction Action) from last year in this – Investigations on the Cultural Economy of Media Art.

#exstrange book

Happy to announce that my performative work Auction Action ? Commission an Artwork created earlier this year has been published in the #exstrange book. The book is now available from Michigan Publishing ( or from amazon (

The dye-sublimation print on aluminium produced is currently on sale on Ebay as part of the last stage of Transformations: Actions to Matter / Matter to Actions –

Tran$actions @ The Recombinants

Tran$actions @ The Recombinants

Tran$actions is being exhibited as part of the exhibition The Recombinants from the 25/08/17.

Except where noted, works on are copyright Garrett Lynch IRL 2025 and licensed as CC BY-SA 3.0. is powered by WordPress