Networked art by Garrett Lynch IRLTransformations: Actions to Matter / Matter to Actions items for sale!
Transformations: Actions to Matter / Matter to Actions items are currently all for sale on eBay. Don’t miss your opportunity to own one of the 90 items collected over two years!!
Best of Luck with the Wall (variant) @ The Unstitute’s UN[dis]criminate
Very happy that Best of Luck with the Wall (variant) is a part of The Unstitute’s UN[dis]criminate as of today:
“This month, we are proud to announce an exciting new addition to the UN[dis]criminate encampment by artists Garrett Lynch + Fr?d?rique Santune, who literally take us for a drive – all 34 hours of it – along Donald Trump’s mythical southern border wall via Google Maps.
UN[dis]Criminate is a new archive exploring these seismic shifts in geopolitics, vivisecting 21st Century Tribalism and the individuals’ situation within – or more properly – without Statehood. Come into the temporary encampment to investigate for yourself, and consider submitting relevant content of your own…”
Best of Luck with the Wall (variant) @ maps-dna-and-spam
Best of Luck with the Wall (variant) is being exhibited throughout June as part of Michael Demers’ maps-dna-and-spam.
Transformations exhibition
I have a solo show titled Transformations at the Borough Road Gallery. All are welcome, would be great to see people at the vernissage.
Transformations presents nine networked artworks conceived over a four-year period that explore a practice involving networks. Each artwork provides an example of transformation by a network. This includes the transformation of what is arranged as part of the conception of the artwork and as a consequence the transformation of what can be considered as an artwork.
Vernissage: 23rd June 2017 6pm – 8pm
Gallery hours: 26th – 30th June 2017 11am ? 7pm
Please register your attendance for the vernissage on the 23rd of June via Facebook.
To download a press release for the exhibition click here.
#exstrange – auction action
This Saturday the 25th of February starting at 8am (GMT) – ART, LIMITED EDITION, PRINT | Auction action ? commission an artwork will be live on eBay. Curated as part of #veryhardtofind by guest curator Gaia Tedone within the project #exstrange.
Suzan Treistler’s HFT The Gardener review
A short review of mine on Suzan Treistler’s HFT The Gardener at Annely Juda, London last year is available at Many thanks to all at Furtherfield for making this happen.
InDialogue 2016 slides
Slides from my paper at InDialogue 2016 last week are online now.
Paper at InDialogue 2016
This Friday (02/12/16), I will be at InDialogue 2016 ( in Nottingham presenting a paper about audience attitudes in interactive forms and hosting a themed lunchtime discussion. Come along if you can.