
About the Risks and Dreams of Permeable Systems


I’m showing a version of A network of people who attended an exhibition and contributed to the creation of this work as part of this great exhibition in Berlin tomorrow night. If you can make it, great, but if not you can still participate in the artwork by visiting it online between 8pm and 1am (CEST).

Donations to Transformations

As part of Transformations: Actions to Matter / Matter to Actions I’m looking for donations. If you wish to donate get in touch by clicking on Contribute on the website.

New website

New website ( documenting 16 years of art practice. More to come soon!

Post-Screen Cultures/Practices Symposium

Tomorrow I’ll be giving a talk about about my practice over the last two years at the JMP-MeCCSA Post-Screen Cultures/Practices Symposium at London South Bank University. If you are in London and interested make sure you book a ticket on Eventbrite in advance.

We Entomb Memoir @ Photomediations Machine

We Entomb Memoir has just been included in Photomediations Machine as part of their new selection of works. If you don’t know this online curated space its well worth having a look.

Networked Bodies: Digital Performance Weekender at Watermans

I?m pleased to announce that I will be exhibiting three works as part of Networked Bodies: Digital Performance Weekender at Watermans ( from the 7th to 9th of November. The event which is all at once an exhibition, performances and symposium has an interesting line-up. If you’re in London try to pop along over the course of the weekend, I hope to be there Friday and Saturday so say hello.

Curated by Maria Chatzichristodoulou (aka Maria X) and Irini Papadimitriou, the full programme for the event is available online here (

A call for project interaction

I have a new work titled, A network of people who attended an exhibition and contributed to the creation of this work, showing as part of Out of Office ( a micro-curatorial platform distributed by email and currently being exhibited at the Colony 14 Festival in Cardigan, Wales, until September 1st and online.

I need your help because without interaction the work cannot grow. If you have a minute to spare please interact and visit the work online.

1. Point your browser to the website:
2. Scroll down to the fourth image (the image for my works details) and rollover the image.
3. On the reverse, the image explains that you need to send an email to a specific email address with your name in the subject line and a line or two about yourself and your interest in art in the body of the email. Clicking the image will open a new email in your default email client.
4. That’s it – the work will now be activated for you and you will receive a reply with details.

Thanks in advance.

Remote Encounters: a report about networking practitioners

A short(ish) article on the Remote Encounters conference and Liminalities journal special issue titled Remote Encounters: a report about networking practitioners has been published on

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