Networked art by Garrett Lynch IRLLiminalities 10.1 now online
The journal of performance studies, Liminalities issue 10.1, a special issue guest edited by Garrett Lynch (University of South Wales) and Rea Dennis (Deakin University), is now online. The contributions to this issue have been compiled from the outcomes of the international conference Remote Encounters: Connecting Bodies, Collapsing Spaces and Temporal Ubiquity in Networked Performance held at the University of South Wales on the 11th and 12th of April 2013. The conference brought together artists and scholars with a joint interest in using networks as a means to enhance or create a wide variety of performance arts. The direct url to the issue is below, please do forward to your networks/colleagues etc.
Liminalities issue 10.1 –
Netscapes exhibited as part of A-EYE
Netscapes will be exhibited within the exhibition A-EYE: An exhibition of art and nature?-inspired computation as part of the Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour (AISB) 50th annual convention at Goldsmiths, University of London from the 01-04/04/14.
The Augmented Plateau: 10/04/14 – 30/04/14
A group show I’m part of opens Thursday April 10th (10/04/14) in Sweden. The Augmented Plateau: Art and Virtual Worlds in HUMlab 2007-2013, is a seven year overview of all artistic residencies and contributions to the HUMlab Yoshikaze Second Life space. The show is curated by Sachiko Hayashi, features works by:
Alpha Auer, Avatar Orchestra Metaverse, Fau Ferdinand, Garrett Lynch, Katerina Karoussos, Pyewacket Kazyanenko, SaveMe Oh, Selavy Oh, Oberon Onmura, Maya Paris, Kristine Schomaker, Goodwind Seiling, Alan Sondheim, Eupalinos Ugajin, Juria Yoshikawa.
and contributions by:
Marx Catteneo, Jo Ellsmere, Mab MacMoragh, Steve Millar and Evo Szuyuan.
10th April – 30th April 2014 @ HUMlabX, the Arts Campus at Ume? University, Sweden
Opening Hours: Monday – Friday, Noon – 4pm
(18th, 19th, 20th and 21st April Closed)
For more details see the Yoshikaze weblog here.
Digital Futures at the V&A
I will be showcasing some recent work related to 3D worlds and streaming webcams next Tuesday the 30th of April at the V&A. London, as part of Digital Futures. If your in london come along.
Digital Futures
Tuesday 30 April, 11.00 – 16.00
Sackler Centre, V&A, Free, Drop-in
Metaverse Creativity (2.2) – A Metaverse Art Residency: ‘Garrett Lynch Yoshikaze “Up-in-the-air” Second Life Residency’
Metaverse Creativity, a journal on “creativity in user-defined online virtual worlds such as Second Life”, has just published an article of mine titled A Metaverse Art Residency: ‘Garrett Lynch Yoshikaze “Up-in-the-air” Second Life Residency’ in Volume 2, Issue 2. The article is about my 2011 Yoshikaze ‘Up-in-the-air’ residency at HUMlab.
More details on the issue here.
Permutation & Combination @ Arcadecardiff
As part of Arcadecardiff (
Permutation & Combination, a collaborative exhibition by Fr?d?rique Santune ( and Garrett Lynch (, showcases a selection of works created between 2005 and 2009 which explores the potential of video as a material/substance shaped by the artists. Works in the exhibition are more than a linear time-based medium captured through the lens of a camera. They are spaces of process; for the artists to cut up, fold and manipulate; for the systems of playback to control and change live.
Dates: 21st to 31st January (Vernissage Thursday 24th of January 6 – 8pm)
Opening times: 10am – 4pm
Location: Queens Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff, CF10 2BY.
See it on a map:
Netscapes at Network Culture exhibition, Filmwinter, Festival for Expanded Media
Netscapes ( will be exhibited at the 26th Filmwinter, Festival for Expanded Media, in Stuttgart from the 10th to the 13th of January as part of the Network Culture exhibition.
Full details are on the Filmwinter website here:
Remote Encounters
Call for papers and performances – Remote Encounters: Connecting bodies, collapsing spaces and temporal ubiquity in networked performance
Remote Encounters, a two-day international conference with performance evening, aims to explore the use of networks as a means to enhance or create a wide variety of performance arts. How do networks as a site for performance provide opportunities for us as artists and performers? In particular how can we remotely collaborate, merge geographically separate places and times, reconfigure the space of performance and the relationship between artist and audience?
For full details of the call for papers and performances, see: