1. a. The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.
b. The manner in which such parts are combined or related.
c. The result or product of composing; a mixture or compound.
2. Arrangement of artistic parts so as to form a unified whole.
3. a. The art or act of composing a musical or literary work.
b. A work of music, literature, or art, or its structure or organization.
4. A short essay, especially one written as an academic exercise.
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You will need Quicktime installed and a screen resolution of at least 980 pixels wide x 788 pixels high (1280 pixels wide x 1024 pixels high is ideal). Works best in Safari or Firefox. This work is processor intensive so not too many background applications open please.

To create a video composition:

1. Select a video for one or more of the available slots in the interface on the left. Videos can be used in slots as many times as needed. All slots do not have to be filled.

2. Once you have choosen video(s) for available slots (at least one video must be choosen) select whether each video is to loop back to the begining, palindrome (loop back and forth) or not loop.

3. Finally click on the view composition button at the bottom of the interface. Be patient, videos vary in size (from 1.6mb to 7.6mb) and duration.
Garrett Lynch 2005 | contact